Boise Hare Krishna Temple Newsletter

January 2023 Edition

Nityananda Trayodashi Celebration

NITYANANDA TRAYODASHI is celebrated in observance of the appearance anniversary of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Nityananda Prabhu appeared as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s principal associate for spreading the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord. He is considered an incarnation of Krishna’s principal expansion, Balarama. He appeared in 1474 in the village of Ekachakra, now in West Bengal. He especially spread the holy name of Krishna throughout Bengal. His beauty was so enchanting and He was so full of ecstatic love for Krishna that, wherever He moved, crowds of people would follow and become lovers of God.

This year we are celebrating this festival on Thursday, Feb 2nd 2023. The program starts at 6pm – and the evening will be filled with Katha, Kirtan, Abhishek and nectarean prasadam. Please join us for this auspicious celebration and enjoy the festivities!

Festival Sponsorship Opportunities

If you wish to serve Lord Nityananda through sponsorship, please consider the following items:

  • Abhishek   $108
  • Maha Aratik   $108
  • Flower Vases $51 (multiple sponsors)
Sponsor Here